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How to Offer Emotional Support For Mental Health?

Emotional Support For Mental Health

A person’s way of thinking and behavior may be impacted seriously due to poor mental health. Not only that, it can even bring unwanted feelings like anxiety, mood disorders, and traumatic episodes. So, in such situations, nothing can be better than being emotionally supportive of that person. Giving emotional support to someone is an important step. But what can be done to be emotionally supportive toward another person?

Emotional support involves everything from asking questions to active listening and physical affection. You can ask questions like “Is everything okay? You seem a bit upset today; want to share? Or “I know you’ve been going through a hectic week. Can we talk for a while?”

Try asking open-ended questions and avoid questions that can be answered with “Yes” or “No.”

Being emotionally supportive also entails active listening or being a good listener. Listen carefully to the person who is in trauma. Keep your body towards the person when they are speaking. Avoid using your cell phone or thinking about anything else when they are talking. Ask to clarify when you are not able to understand something said by the person.

Physical affection is another important step. But, this may not be appropriate in all situations. You can hold the hand of a person who is going through a tough situation. This may help them feel strong. Also, you can hug the person to make him or her heal better and feel comfortable. Show less

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